Below are some of our frequently asked questions, if you have not found your answer here, please contact us directly.

When is the entry deadline?

The entry deadline has been extended to Monday 24th June 2024

Can I enter if the product is only available online?

Yes. As long as the product is purchasable by the general public whether that be direct via your website or a third party website you are eligible.

Does the entry fee cover a product range?

No, Each entry is a separate fee.

Can I enter the same product across multiple product categories?

No, You can enter as many products as you like but each individual product can only be entered into one product category.

If you wish to enter a range, each variation would need to be entered into the same category separately. The only exception being
multipacks whereby each variation is not available individually.

Do you accept pet food products? 

Unfortunately we currently do not have the ability to thoroughly judge pet food items and therefore will be unable to accept any pet food items 

Can I enter into both a product and a packaging category?

Yes, any product that fits the criteria can be entered into a product and a packaging category. Entering into a packaging category is a separate entry with a new entry fee and form to complete. 

Can I enter into just a packaging category?

Yes, you can enter solely into the packaging category you wish to enter

Can I enter the same packaging concept into multiple packaging categories? 

Yes, as long as the material is different. For example, if you are entering into Glass Pack of the Year and also wish to enter Best Pack and Label Design you can. However, each entry will incur a separate fee of £205+VAT to do so.  

Is there a limit on how many products I can enter?

There is no limit, unless you are entering own-label entries into the Packaging categories. The limit for own-label entries in the packaging categories is 10 per brand. Own-label entries will not be accepted into product categories.

Who will be judging the products?

We have a variety of industry-leading experts on each panel. A list of them will be available on our website.

How many products do we need to send for product judging?

The supply of products will be on a case by case basis depending on what your product is. However, as an example, we will need at least 4 products – one to show in the packaging, one out of the packaging, one to be tested and one for contingency. 

For packaging categories we require 4 samples, however these do not have to contain the product. 

When is the date to deliver by and the address to deliver to?

Food and drink products -  The delivery address will be emailed directly to you following receipt of your entry. The delivery date is 23rd July 2024

Non-food products - The date to deliver products is Tuesday 2nd July. The delivery address will be emailed directly to you following receipt of your entry.

Packaging Entries -  The delivery address will be emailed directly to you following receipt of your entry. The delivery date is 23rd July 2024

Can I deliver at a different time than specified?

We limit delivery to one day, the date of which is listed above. In exceptional circumstances, we can look at alternative pre-agreed arrangements, but this may need to be to a different address. Please contact the event manager listed on the Contact Us page.

How are you judging non-food products?

Each non-food product will be sent to a small panel of judges’ to be tested within their own homes over the course of a week. There will be a set 10-point criteria for them to critique against, the results of which will be presented and discussed on the judging day in July.

How are you judging the packaging entries?

Each Packaging entry will be judged by experts on the written entries submitted, consideration of the product will be taken into consideration in the judging session. 

When will the shortlist be announced?

The shortlist for both Product and Packaging categories will be announced in August.  You can find this on our website and an email will be sent to notify entrants when it is live.

Will I receive a report and when should I expect to see it?

All entered and judged products will receive a dedicated report which will be sent out no later than one month after the Awards ceremony on 8th November. Please note, this is only for the product categories not packaging.  

Will I receive a report for my packaging entry?

Unfortunately, because of the way the packaging is judged we are unable to provide feedback. This is reflected in the price of entry which covers the administration for judging the packaging. 

How will the medal scheme work? 

We will recognise excellence by awarding a gold, silver or bronze medal in recognition of efforts to shortlisted entries.  Categories that have multiple gold medals will have a champion chosen. The champion of that category will be awarded the champion trophy on the night.

Will I receive a logo?

All finalists will receive a logo in jpeg format. Finalist logos will be sent following the shortlist announcement.
Post awards any Bronze, Silver, Gold and Champion winners will receive the corresponding logos. These logos can be used indefinitely providing they remain dated.

Will I receive a certificate and/or trophy?

Bronze, Silver and Gold winners will receive a digital certificate alongside the corresponding logo. Champion winners will collect a trophy at the awards ceremony.

When are winners going to be announced?

The Awards lunch will be held on Tuesday 8th November 2024 at Wembley Stadium, London