Packaging Categories

Entries are now closed

Designed to highlight packaging brilliance in food, drink and non-food alike, these categories cover a variety of formats – including bottles, cans, jars and sachets – as well as design and sustainability credentials.

Please note, packaging should be developed and launched from 15th May 2023 - 8th November 2024.

Terms of entry

Packaging Categories 

This category celebrates innovative use of mixed materials across all formats of packaging.


This category is to award brilliance across flexible plastic packaging such as sachets, bags and pouches.


This award is open to all jars, bottles and so on, if they are made primarily of glass – be it frosted, clear, coloured or recycled.


This category celebrates excellence and originality in packs made largely of aluminium, steel and other metals.


This award is open to packs made primarily from cartonboard, corrugated carboard and the like – as well as paper bags and paper wrappers.


Rigid bottles, tubs, jars and the like can be made fully or substantially from any variety of plastic – including PET, high density polyethylene and bioplastic.


This award celebrates technical innovation in packaging of all kinds. It considers each entrant’s form and function, use of technology and overall originality.


Focused on aesthetics, this award is for a pack’s standout on shelf, its shape and finish, and its use of colour, typography, illustration and photography.


One of two green-minded awards, it considers the production side of the pack. Is it carbon neutral? Does it make meaningful use of recycled materials? Was its manufacturing powered by renewable energy?


How eco-friendly is your pack to the end user? This award is for packs that have cut unnecessary materials, are easy to recycle, and/or are made to be refillable.
